Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Alex
1) Do you love them? Yes ; of course!!!
2) Are they your enemy? Nope
3) Is this person taller than you? Yea!!! Sec3 mahx

B ---
1) What do you really think of them ? -
2) What’s their favourite color? -
3) Ever danced with them? -

C Charis/Christa
1) Do you like them? Yes :]
2) Where did you meet this person? We are Cousins!!!
3) How old are they? Dk!!!

D ---
1) How long have you known him/her? -
2) Biggest regret? -

E Eileen
1) Have you met their parents? No
2) Worst thing about them? Nothing
3) Best thing about them? Dk leh

F Freda
1) Have you ever dated this person? Nope
2) When is the next time you will see him/her? Dk
3) Do you go to school with them? Nope

G -
1) Is he/ she a good listener? -
2) Have you ever lied to this person? -
3) Is this person nice? -

H Hong Jian
1) What year are they in? 1996
2) Is he/she your best friend? Not Really
3) Ever done something illegal with them? Nope

I -
1) What is this person’s favourite food? -
2) Where did you meet this person? -
3) Do you trust them? -

J JinHao
1) Do they have any siblings? Yea!!!
2) Do you know their favourite song? Yea!!! 蔡旻佑-我可以
3) What would you do if they confessed they liked you? Hahax..will not de!!!

K KeeKiat
1) How old were you when you first met? 13
2) How did you meet? Npcc ; Same sch duh ! HAHHAH
3) Ever danced with this person? No ..

L LiPing
1) What would you do if you had never met this person? Nth
2) Do you like him/her? Yes!!!As A Fwen!!!
3) Would you go to Disney World with this person? No

M Marilyn
1) Are they older than you? Yea!!!
2) Are they single? I think so :D
3) How many times do you communicate with them in a week? Dk

N Nicole
1) Is this person your boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope!!!
2) Have you seen this person cry? No
3)Do you know this person’s middle name? SiYu!!!

O -
1) Are you related? -
2) Could you live with this person?-
3) Do you believe this person is gay? -

P ---
1) Have you ever been to the mall with this person? -
2) How about a sleepover with them? -
3) Does this person have a job? -

Q -
1) Does this person drink alcohol? -
2) Have you seen this person dance? -
3) where do they work ? They dont work ? -

R Rachel
1) Have you heard this person sing? No
2) Do you think this person will repost this? No
3) Whats one thing you would change about this person? Nth !!!

S ShuYin
1) Is this person taller than you? Dk!!!
2) You enjoy spending time with him/her? Dk
3) Do they live close to you? No!!!

T -
1)What you do anything for him/her? -
2) Have you been to his/her house? -
3) Does this person eat shit? -

U ---
1) Is this person in a relationship? -
2) Do you know where he lives? -
3) What colour hair does this person have? -

V Valerie
1) Do you see this person alot? Last time Yea!!!now np...she go back to University le!!!
2) When did you meet her/him? Punggol Sec
3) Is this person your friend? In School np cos she teacher mahx...outside Yea!!!

W WeiLing
1) Is this person quiet or loud? Quiet
2) Name a friend that both of you are close too? Dk
3) What color eyes does this person have? I tink black

X -
1)Why are you friends with him/her/ them ? -
2) Have you ever gone anywhere with them ? -
3) What is one thing you would change about them? -

Y. YiSheng
1) Does this person wear make-up? i dont know ..
2) Does this person play any instruments? Not Sure :x
3) What is their favourite sport? Volleyball or Basketball!!!

Z. ZhiYu
1) Does this person have MSN/AIM? Yea
2) Ever gone shopping with him/her? No
3) Does this person have any special skills. IDK!!!